Boosting Your Immune System with BJJ
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has been known to be one of the great ways to keep fit, reduce stress, improve focus, and clear your mind. But did you know that BJJ can also help improve your immune system?
The immune system is important because it is the body’s tool for limiting or preventing infection. If it detects foreign or unwanted substances, it will start an immune response to protect the body from invaders. People are born with some level of immunity. Later on, a person’s protection develops as they go through life.
Can you boost your immunity? Yes, you can definitely boost your immune system by following a varied diet that has more fruits and vegetable, whole foods, and cutting back on salt, fats, and sugars. Get enough sleep, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol intake.
In addition, practicing martial arts training such as Brazilian Jiujitsu can help boost immune system.
By joining BJJ, the production of stress hormones is reduced. This is because it helps get off your mind from stresses at work. Too much stress can take its toll on you and in turn affect the immune system adversely. When you are stressed, you become more vulnerable to infections and illnesses. Going to an after-work gym class can help relieve your stress and trigger positive hormonal changes.
With BJJ and improved food options, you then start to develop a healthier lifestyle. This translates to a better body and a better capacity to fight off infections. Participating in a full body activity such as BJJ encourages blood circulation. Proper circulation ensures that blood and oxygen flows throughout the body, allowing cells and organs to function properly. Research has shown that 30 to 45 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity can stimulate cellular immunity be increasing the circulation of immune cells in the body.
It is known that exercise causes change in antibodies and white blood cells, the immune system cells that fight disease. Exercise slows down the release of stress hormones. Stress hormones are said to increase the chance of illness.
BJJ is an activity that everybody can pursue for its physical and mental benefits.
Looking for Brazilian Jiu jitsu in Naples Florida? Try a free week of BJJ with us at Global Jiu-jitsu.