Often I get calls and inquires about self-defense class for women. The truth is, most of those classes don't work. Sounds great, but you really have to learn the moves and repeat the moves multiple times in multiple scenarios against resisting partners. This is why Brazilian Jiu jitsu like Global Jiu-jitsu in Naples, Florida excels.
The theory of Gracie Jiu-jitsu/Brazilian Jiu-jitsu started with utilizing leverage for a weaker person to be able to defeat a more stronger opponent. This is the premise at the start of Gracie/Brazilian Jiu jitsu.
The reason why women's self-defense classes are not effective and may be harmful is that you only learn certain moves, it's not within your muscle memory and when you try to execute these moves in a time of need, you'll either blank out, forget, or execute them when your body is not conditioned to do such. You may further hurt yourself, anger your assailant, and cause more harm.
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu class starts with a warm-up followed by practicing drills and moves daily in order to practice against a resisting opponent you will roll or spar with your classmates in order to apply those moves, see if those moves work. Adjust that move to your body type. This is why Brazilian Jiu jitsu has been so effective. I know, I am a karate and taekwondo black belt and I practice Brazilian Jiujitsu on a daily workout is awesome, burns a lot of calories, but also the self-defense aspect cannot be overlooked.
Most fights do end up on the ground. When you're on the ground you need to be able to control your opponent or assailant. From a self-defense standpoint, it's a lot safer to be able to control an assailant than severely injure or maim your assailant from a legal standpoint.
BJJ is also used by law enforcement in order to restrain a suspect rather than hurt them via strikes and severe force or deadly force that can put a police officer's career in jeopardy as well as poor public relations for the department of police.
If you are in Naples and Bonita Springs area searching for a "Jiu Jitsu gym near me", try out Global Jiu jitsu Naples, sign up for free trial.
By Professor Kevin
Global Jiu-jitsu